Friday, September 27, 2019

LAB IP 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

LAB IP 2 - Essay Example This includes ‘the peripatric’, ‘the parapatric’, ‘sympatric’, and ‘the allopatric’ speciation (Geographic, 2012). The allopatric speciation is said to occur when a particular species is separated into two groups. Isolation is a factor that emanates after separation. A separation occurs when a physical barrier creates a situation whereby the two isolated species cannot breed with each other. After the separation, the two species develop different features that are dictated by the new environment that constitutes their habitats. An example of this speciation is the Arizona Grand Canyon (Geographic, 2012). It is depicted that when this canyon formed, small mammals such as the squirrel could not interbreed. This was as a result of the newly created geographical barrier. It is noted that two different species of squirrels dominant the two parts of the Grand Canyon. However, birds were still able to fly over the barrier and thus were not affected by it. This meant that they were not divided into two different species. The same would happen if there were a barrier that would separate a species into two groups. They would develop new traits that march their new habitats. This will be possible if they are unable to bypass the barrier to interbreed with each

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